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Troop 13 was formed in 1999 by group of Pack 202 parents. Our sponsor and chartering organization is Second Baptist School. At the time, there was no sister Troop to the Pack for the boys to cross over into Boy Scouts. We started with 8 boys and now run between 60 to 70 active Scouts. Since we started, almost 50 scouts have earned the rank of Eagle Scout.


Our boy-led, Scoutmaster-guided program fosters leadership training, community service and diversity training through involvement in the District, the Council and local charitable institutions.


God Bless America

In early 1940, Kate Smith, a fiercely patriotic American and the biggest star on radio, was deeply worried about her country.


She asked Irving Berlin if he could give her a song that would reignite the spirit of American patriotism and faith. He said he had a song that he had written in 1917, but never used it. He said she could have it. She sat at the piano and played it and realized how good it was.


She called Mr. Berlin and told him that she couldn't take this from him for nothing. So, they agreed that any money that would be made off the song would be donated to the Boy Scouts of America.


Thanks to Kate Smith and Irving Berlin, the Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties.

This clip is from the movie "You're in the Army Now". You will see a familiar face in this—one that we are all very proud of.

Frank Sinatra said that when Kate Smith, whom he considered the greatest singer of his age, first sang this song on the radio, a million guys got 'dust' in their eyes and had to wipe the tears the 'dust' caused.





In our troop each Scout can expect:
  • To grow physically, mentally, and spiritually

  • To learn leadership and scout craft skills

  • To learn how to live within and enjoy the outdoors

  • To learn the concept of community service

  • To develop life skills, values and knowledge

  • To have fun within the framework of Scouting



Troop Troop 13 is organized around regular weekly meetings and frequent (monthly) camping, hiking and backpacking activities.


A week-long summer camp and other special Scouting activities are also available for the Scout. Each summer the troop participates in a high-adventure activity geared toward the "older" Scout who has reached a higher level of maturity, experience and physical conditioning.


BSA Mission/Vision

The Boy Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.


In the future, Scouting will continue to:

  • Offer young boys responsible fun and high adventure;

  • Instill in young boys lifetime values and develop in them ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law;

  • Train young boys in citizenship, service, and leadership;

  • Serve America's communities and families with its quality, values-based program.


Troop 13 Mission/Vision

The Mission of Troop 13 is to glorify God and honor His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, by developing Christian character through the Boy Scout program.

Troop Overview

Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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