First Class Emphasis (FCE)
The ranks of the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class teach the basic premises, responsibilities, and outdoor skills of Scouting. This program is called First Class Emphasis or "FCE".
Earning the rank of First Class is a real milestone in a Scout's career and should take about 12 to 18 months to complete. Participation in Troop meetings, weekend camping, and El Rancho Cima summer camp are key to completing the FCE program. Some Troop meetings will be devoted to older Scouts teaching the younger scouts some skill related to FCE and practicing that skill until it is mastered.
Those skills are then carried to the outdoors and put into practice where the Scout can see and appreciate the purpose of that skill. Learning to use a map and compass is a good example of this. Once the Scout has truly learned the skill, he can be tested by one of the ASMs at a campout and signed off on the requirement.
The FCE curriculum is a "one step at a time" process with certain skills that serve as building blocks to other, more difficult skills that are accomplished later. You need to learn to build a fire before you can cook a meal outdoors. The FCE program is conducted with these building blocks in mind, and Scouts are required to complete the more basic requirements before being signed off on related requirements that are more advanced. The unrelated requirement may be completed at any time during the FCE program.
Scouts can participate and learn FCE skills at any point in time, however, the ranks must be completed in order and there is no "double-counting" or "cross-over" of related requirements. Learning, practicing and ultimately teaching a skill to others is the key to retaining that skill for a lifetime. Earning a particular rank or badge is really secondary to this process, but it is a wonderful by-product. Scouts really thrive on the challenge of advancement, some more than others but you will see it eventually.
By the time your Scout reaches First Class, you will see the sense of accomplishment! The ranks of Second Class and First Class also carry requirements for participation at Troop meetings and campouts, service hours, and for demonstrating Scout Spirit.
Grubmaster Worksheet (PDF 51KB)​