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Positions of Responsibility

A requirement for advancement to the ranks of Star, Life, and Eagle is to serve actively in one or more of the following Positions of Responsibility. At least 4 months are required for Star, and 6 months are required for Life and Eagle. Scouts must be elected or be appointed by the Scoutmaster to a position.


The duration of a leadership position is 6 months with elections being held at the first Troop meeting in the Fall.  Scouts may also volunteer or be appointed to these positions at any time between the Troop elections. Scouts must apply for these positions (even if elected) with the Scoutmaster or Leadership Coordinator at the beginning of that position. He will provide you with "Leadership Cards" that describe the duties and requirements of that position. These cards are also available from this web page.


Once a scout has completed the requirements of this position, he must provide documentation to the Leadership Coordinator. Scouts may turn in the card before the full 6 months for partial credit. He must turn in another card to receive additional credit up to the time of elections.


These elections/appointments are held once in the Fall at which time the eligible scouts may run for these positions.


  • Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
    Presides over the Patrol Leader's Council (PLC) made up of the SPL, Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPL), Patrol Leaders, and the Scribe who assist the SPL in running the Troop with the guidance of the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.


  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) 

       Works with the PLC to develop, plan, promote, and manage the Troop program; meetings, outings, campouts, and other Troop events.


  • Patrol Leaders 
    Leads one of the patrols which are comprised of 8-10 scouts. He is responsible for implementing the Troop program developed by the PLC.


  • Scribe
    Keeps attendance and minutes of Troop meetings and PLC meetings.


  • Historian
    Records the history of the Troop activities, takes photographs or appoints someone to do so, and maintains the Troop scrapbooks and photo albums.​


  • Librarian

       Maintains Troop library of merit badge books, Troop books, pamphlets, and suggests other materials for the Troop to purchase.


  • Quartermaster
    Works with the adult quartermaster to supervise the issuing, maintenance, replacement, and purchase of Troop equipment. Is also responsible for instructing the patrol quartermaster and other scouts on the proper use and care of Troop equipment.


  • Chaplain's Aide
    Develops and leads the weekly prayer at Troop meeting. Responsible for developing and leading (or appointing someone to lead) the Sunday morning service at all campouts.


  • Troop Guides
    Assists and guides the Patrol Leader of the new scout patrols in teaching skills to the newer scouts.


  • Instructors
    Plan, teach, and test Troop members on specific scouting skills.


  • Order of the Arrow Representative
    Acts as a liaison between the Troop and the Order of the Arrow; promotes Troop camping and community service.


For more information, please see the Advancement Training Documents. (NOT SET UP YET)

For Up-to-date Info on who is currently filling these roles please check the "Contact" page.

Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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