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Troop Meetings, Attendance and Dress Code

Troop meetings are held every Monday night from 7:00 - 8:30 PM at the Woodway Village. The opening flag ceremony begins promptly at 7:00 PM and Scouts are expected to be in their seats at that time.


Dress code for all Troop meetings the Scouts should be in full field (Class A) uniforms, which consist of a regulation Scout shirt, pants or shorts, belt, and socks. Hiking boots are to be worn to all Scouting activities (no tennis shoes). Class B uniforms will be worn at Troop meetings where campout planning or other activities take place.


The Scout sign is used to call order, quiet, and attention. It should be observed by ALL Scouts and parents alike.


Scouts are expected to let their Patrol Leader know ahead of time if they are not going to attend a meeting. It is the responsibility of the Scout to obtain any information from his Patrol Leader that may have been communicated or handed out at any missed meeting, campout, or outing. Patrols will be responsible on a rotational basis for set up, opening ceremony, closing ceremony, clean up. Scouts are to sit in patrol lines at all meetings.


Parents are invited to attend Troop meetings and observe. Do not set a bad example by talking loudly and moving around during meetings. If a conversation is required with another parent or Scout, please have the courtesy to go elsewhere to hold the conversation so the Troop meeting is not disrupted.


All elected and appointed youth positions are expected to attend a majority of the Troop meetings and activities. Since these are the youth leaders for the Troop, they should set an example for all the other Scouts.


Scouts who are lacking in attendance will be counseled by the advisors and/or Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster has the right to discharge the Scout from his duty and will not considered for advancement if adequate attendance is not done.

Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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