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Advancement Overview

Advancement sets a pattern of setting positive goals and reaching them throughout life. Even though it's not one of the primary aims of Scouting, advancement is a natural byproduct when your Scouting experience is acquainting you with the Scouting ideals, the patrol method, the outdoors, association with adults, personal growth, leadership development, and the Scout uniform.


It's easy to advance by following these four basic steps:​


  1. Learning

  2. Testing

  3. Review

  4. Recognition


The requirements for the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class prepare you with the basic Scouting skills. Star, Life, and Eagle requirements focus on earning merit badges, community service, and leadership skills. Requirements for each rank are outlined in the Scout Handbook.

As you complete each requirement, you will be tested and signed off in the back section of your Scout Handbook (pp. 438 - 449) by the Scoutmasters or ASM only. ASMs may not sign off for their own son. Only the Advancement Chair and the Scoutmaster shall be authorized to approve requirements relating to Position of Responsibility, Service Hours, Participation, and Scout Spirit.


It's up to you to take advantage of the advancement opportunities available to you and to take initiative to ask a Scoutmaster to test you when you are ready. You are responsible for keeping your own advancement record in your Handbook. You should also record your service hours, campouts, troop activities, and leadership positions in your Handbook. Merit Badges are automatically entered in the


Troop computer records and are applied to the appropriate rank as soon as they are earned.

When a Scout has had all requirements for the next highest rank initialed and dated in his Scout Handbook including Scout Spirit and Position of Responsibility (as may be applicable to the rank sought), he shall present his Handbook to the Advancement Chair.


The Advancement Chair will confirm completion of all requirements and will enter the completion dates of each requirement in the Troop computer records. The Advancement Chair will confirm completion of requirements relating to Participation, Service Hours, and Position of Responsibility. Scout handbooks will be returned to the Scouts after the Advancement Chairman has entered the information into the troop advancement program.

Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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