For Up-to-date Info on who is currently filling these roles please check the "Contact" page.
Adult Leadership Positions
Troop 13 is a Scoutmaster-guided, boy-led troop. Our Scoutmaster is in charge of creating "memorable moments" through excellence in programs. Our Assistant Scoutmasters assist the Scoutmaster in all facets of the program, while the Troop Committee is in charge of the administrative duties, such as Advancement, Transportation, Safety, Outdoor Experience, Boards of Review, Court of Honors and District work.
Click here to view the Adult Position Application Form!
Troop Committee
The Troop Committee is the troop's "Board of Advisors" and supports the troop program. The Troop Committee comprises both appointed members and registered adults. This group is made up of the parents of the Scout members and must be registered with the SHAC. This committee is responsible for the administrative functions of the troop.
The Troop Committee:
Ensures that quality adult leadership is recruited and trained.
Coordinates adequate meeting facilities.
Advises the Scoutmaster on policies relating to Boy Scouting and the charter organization.
Carries out the policies and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America.
Supports leaders in carrying out the program.
Is responsible for finances, adequate funds, and disbursements in line with the development of an approved budget plan.
Procures troop property and oversees the care and maintenance of troop property.
Advises the Scoutmaster to ensure a high-level camping and outdoor program.
Serves on boards of review and courts of honor.
Supports the Scoutmaster in working with individual disciplinary actions.
Communicates the special needs and assistance some boys may require to the Scoutmaster.
Supports the Friends of Scouting campaign.
Meets Monthly.
Is involved in the evaluation and selection of the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.
The key Troop Committee positions are:
A Charter Organization member and presides over the Troop Committee meetings and coordinates all committee activities.
Maintains minutes of Troop Committee meetings. Handles correspondence for the Committee.
Maintains troop and individual scout account records. Prepares yearly budgets, collects and disburses fees, dues, and other funds.
Maintains individual advancement records for all Scouts, coordinates Boards of Review, Courts of Honor, and coordinates merit badge applications.
Health and Safety
Maintains the troop medical forms for both scouts and adults, advises the scoutmaster and committee chairman as to the health and safety on BSA policy regarding Health and Safety.
Outdoor Activities
Promotes troop camping for 20 days and nights a year, seeks out info about and visits new camping areas and reports those findings to the Scoutmaster, PLC, and Committee. Obtains Tour Permits for all troop outings and events when required.
Ensures that the troop has adequate drivers for all troop outings and activities. Confirms information regarding insurance coverage and valid TDL's for all drivers, ensures that vehicle checks occur before leaving on any trip. -
Maintains the records of all adults with regard to the various training courses and certificates needed and required by BSA policy related to all camping trips, outings, and activities.
Membership and Recruiting
Works to promote the transfer of Webelo Scouts into the troop, assists those Scouts who want to be den chiefs in finding a den, and is involved in the community and district level to promote the Troop.
Heads up the fundraising efforts of the Troop.
Uniformed Leaders
This group is made of parents and other qualified adults who mentor and give guidance to the Scouts of the Troop.
The Scoutmaster is a Chartered Organization member, recommended by the Troop Committee and approved by the Chartered Organization. The Scoutmaster is the main adult responsible for guiding the Scouts in operating and running the Troop.
Assistant Scoutmasters:
Appointed by the Scoutmaster with the approval of the Troop Committee and Chartered Organization.
The Assistant Scoutmasters work under the direction of the Scoutmaster for development and implementation of the Scouting program, troop meetings, campouts, district/council events, and all other troop activities.