Friends of Scouting
In order for the Sam Houston Area Council, Boy Scouts of America to operate on a monthly basis, it has to meet its budget. The Boy Scouts have a fiscal responsibility just as any family or business.
The council must raise 46% of its annual budgetary needs. This funding amount is known as "Friends of Scouting".
Here is what it is all about:
The Sam Houston Area Council Camp facilities are 100% paid for. However, when we add staff, meals, program materials and increased utilities as part of camping operations it is necessary to charge. The Council underwrites about 50% of the cost for each boy attending camp. Camping and activities revenues provide about 22% of the Council's income.
Troop Benefit
Without Friends of Scouting, there would be no camps, Scout shops, recruiting materials, insurance, Council resources such as training videos, literature or a professional staff to help administer Scouting in the districts.
Others Benefit Too
What many do not see are the additional programs funded by BSA such as the urban program provides leadership and program costs for inner city kids to get the Scouting experience. Students with special needs are able to enjoy Scouting programs in many schools.
Also, value based career programs are offered on many campuses throughout the Council. Close to half of the youth we serve are not in traditional troops. Getting more kids into our "gang" rather than their gang can do a lot to help keep our communities vibrant.
In short, the Friends of Scouting supports programs, facilities, staff, communications and much more to help thousands of parents and leaders to effectively deliver the Scouting program.
The Sam Houston Area Council spends approximately $125 per registered youth member above and beyond national registration fee and local unit expenses to maintain the needed support for the Scouting program to be offered to the community.