Troop History
Troop 13 was chartered by Second Baptist School in 1999 and has enjoyed the support necessary to build a quality troop. The Troop was formed by a group of dads who were leaders in Pack 202. The current second year Webelos was a large class with about 42 Webelos. They needed a Troop to bridge and the best option was to form a new one. Several dads went to training and Troop 13 was formed.
Our First Scoutmaster Pat Appel started with 8 boys nicknamed the "Alpha Patrol". To the right is a picture of four of the original eight. These 8 boys set the stage for the next year when the Pack would bridge 42 boys into Troop 13. Four of those original scouts became Eagle Scouts.

Pictured left is the Troop 13 at their first Golden Arrow Camporee. During this camp they placed in several events. Our first summer camp was in Colorado. This was an exciting time in the troop and we had gone from a Troop consisting of 8 new scouts to a Troop with 50 Scouts.
The Troop benefited from the support of many of these parents who donated their time as registered Leaders, and their money to purchase equipment to outfit this large young troop. We had decided to be a "High Adventure" troop and purchased only backpacking equipment consisting of Sierra Design Clip 2 tents, white gas Coleman stoves and other lightweight equipment.
The third class was a much smaller group of Scouts consisting of only 10 new Scouts from Pack 202's Den 10. But inspite of their small size they were determined to enjoy Scouting. At this early stage in our Troop we decided that the new boys would form a new patrol.
After much deliberation and the fact that Cameron had just got a new Hampster, the new patrol would be "The Mighty Hampsters". This was a determined group of young boys who all had their sites on being the best.
One boy quit scouting after the first summer camp and the rest remained in Scouting each earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Two other boys from their class also joined the next fall and both of those boys also achieved the rank of Eagle Scout making it 12 out of 13. They are pictured on the right at their first campout at Enchanted Rock.

Since then we have continued to grow and currently we have approximately 70 Scouts and we continue to have a large number of parents who volenteer as adult leaders.
Our focus continues to be our mission statement which is to Glorify God and honor His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, by developing Christian character through the Boy Scout program. At the time of this posting 60 of our Scouts have obtained the rank of Eagle Scout.