Scoutmaster Conference
Each Scout must personally arrange the Scoutmaster Conference with the approved Assistant Scoutmaster (see list below); a Scoutmaster Conference must take place after all other requirements are complete and before the Board of Review.
The Scoutmaster Conference is an examination of the Scout to determine if he has completed all requirements of the rank and whether the Scout is competent with all skills encompassed in the rank. If those skills have not been learned and retained, the Assistant Scoutmaster will defer the Scout to a future conference.
The Scoutmaster Conference will also cover the topics appropriate to the rank, including the Scout's participation in the Troop, leadership, service, ethics, citizenship, and goals for the future. The Scout should bring his Scout Handbook and present himself in full Class A uniform with merit badge sash.
Please contact the Assitant Scoutmaster directly and arrange your conference. Once you have held your conference, please bring your signed Scout Handbook to the Advancement Chair and schedule your Board of Review.
Please login to the Member Portal to view Adult Leadership contact information (NO LOGIN REQUIRED AS OF CURRENTLY).
Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, and Life:
Brian Yarbrough
Eagle Rank:
Joe Elliott (contact to schedule)