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Board of Review

The Board of Review for each rank is a panel of three members of the Troop Committee who meet with the Scout to ensure that he has completed all of the requirements for the rank, to determine the quality of his Troop experience, and to encourage him to advance toward the next rank.


The Scout should bring his Scout Handbook and should be in his complete Class "A" uniform with merit badge sash. During the review the Board will discuss the Scout's development along your trail to Eagle, ask questions about skills that were required for the particular rank, and evaluate the Scout in terms of Troop activities and readiness for the next rank.


It is also a time for the Scout to ask any questions and to give feedback to the Troop Committee about Scouting.

Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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