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Troop and BSA Forms

There are several forms, for both the scout and adults, that must be filled out and returned upon joining Troop 13 to the Advancement Chairman. It is recommended that the parent makes a copy of each of these completed forms. A brief explanation of each follows:


  • Class 1 - required for all scouts involved in any scouting activity that does not exceed 72 hours, i.e. Troop campouts, service projects, etc. It must be updated annually.

  • Class 2 - required for all scouts (and adults under the age of 40) who attend summer camp. This requires an examination by and signature of a licensed physician. A Class 2 form is valid for 36 months.

  • Class 3 - This requires a complete physical examination by a licensed physician. This is required for all scouts attending any high adventure camp and annually for adult leaders over 40 years of age attending any summer camp.

  • Please contact the Health and Safety Chair for a hard-copy form.



The Troop encourages at least one parent to be a committee member. By doing so, you will have direct involvement in how the Troop operates and setting its policies and procedures.


  • The Adult Application form can be found here. Fill out this form and turn it into the Committee Chairman.



Required for each scout that joins Troop 13.


  • The Youth Application can be found here. Please fill this out and turn into the Scoutmaster.



The Troop tries to teach as many merit badge classes as space, time, and counselors will permit. If your profession, hobbies, or personal interest has some connection to one or more of the merit badges, we urge you to register as a merit badge counselor. An individual may register as a counselor for a maximum of 10 merit badges.


Registered merit badge counselor lists are maintained and published by the SHAC. Merit badges are listed in the BOY SCOUT HANDBOOK.


  • The Merit Badge Counselor Application can be found here. Please fill this out and turn into the Advancement Chairman.

Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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