Record Keeping
Your advancement records are kept in three places - your Council office, the troop Advancement Chair, and yourself.
The Council office keeps records supplied to them by the troop Advancement Chairperson, who also keeps copies of these records for the Troop.
You will receive two kinds of documents that you need to KEEP IN A SAFE PLACE UNTIL AFTER YOU TURN 18 (or receive your Eagle Scout Award, whichever is later)! These documents are: your Scout Handbook with requirements signed off, your portion of completed blue merit badge cards, and the wallet-sized certificate cards for rank advancement and merit badge completion.
Make sure all of them are signed or initialed by the appropriate Scoutmaster. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU KEEP THESE DOCUMENTS IN A SAFE PLACE AND DO NOT LOSE THEM!!! If it should happen that there is a discrepancy or missing records, your personal records are your most important ally in proving what you completed and when.
It is also a good idea to copy the rank advancement pages of your Scout Handbook from time to time as Handbooks tend to get misplaced.