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Upcoming 5-Mile Hike

Writer's picture: Troop 13Troop 13

This Sunday, November 5th, Mr. Ireland be leading a 5 mile hike.

We will start at the Terry Hershey parking lot on Dairy Ashford (southeast of the bridge), and do a loop hike of 5 miles along the bayou.

The terrain will be a mixture of dirt trails and paved footpaths. The dirt trails are bike paths, and if it hasn't rained recently, will be dry.

This hike will help with the following requirements:

  • Second Class Requirement 3b

  • The first hike in the Hiking Merit Badge

It will also be an opportunity to get some other requirements met.

If you are interested in the Hiking Merit Badge, pleasure print out a copy of the worksheet here and bring it.

We will meet at 1:45pm at the parking lot above, aiming for a 2pm start, finished by 5pm.

Everyone should bring a full nalgene and a snack in a backpack.

There is water and a restroom on the route.

Please reply to Mr. Ireland if you plan to come. If a scout needs a lift home afterwards, please let him know and we'll arrange it.

Everyone is welcome on this hike! So please feel free to bring the family.


Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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