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Colorado River Canoeing / Overnight Campout on Scout Island – Near Bastrop October 13th-14th, 2018

Writer: Troop 13Troop 13


  • Saturday October 13th

  • We will meet at the 3-Rock Fountain early morning (time TBD)

  • We will all drive together. We are contracting a canoe outfitter so we need all drivers to arrive at the same time. It’s about a 2-hour drive.

  • Cars will park at Outfitter

  • Outfitter will shuttle all scouts/adults upriver for canoe portage

  • We will canoe downriver and eat lunch on the river

  • We will campout and cookout on Scout Island – right on the river

  • Sunday October 14th

  • We will have a morning breakfast & worship service on Scout Island

  • Then canoe down to the location of our canoe outfitter

  • Lunch will be picked up on the road back – likely Whataburger.

  • Planning and Logistics will be worked out by your newly elected Troop 13 PLC and adult leadership. More details to follow during upcoming troop meetings.


The cost is $45/person for the campout (outfitter + food).

  • If you have already paid $44.91 for the cancelled Schlitterbahn trip AND you plan to attend this upcoming campout – you don’t owe anything. We will apply your funds. JUST REGISTER EACH PERSON ATTENDING (SCOUT & ADULT) BUT MAKE NO PAYMENT

  • If you have paid for Schlitterbahn and DO NOT plan to attend this campout, we will apply your funds to our January SWAMPBASE, Louisiana campout.

  • If you did not pay already for the Schlitterbahn campout but plan to attend this campout, please REGISTER and pay $45.00 per person for this campout.

Deadline to sign up for campout is Thursday, October 4th at Noon.

Drivers who take at least 3 scouts and/or Troop Gear will be reimbursed $35 for Gas. Indicate if you plan to attend/drive as an adult.


Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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