May 18th
Meet at 3-Rock Fountain – SBC at 6am. We will pull out at 6:30 SHARP!! We need to manage transportation for boys and gear. We need leave as a troop.
We will drive to New Braunfels and spend the entire day at Schlitterbahn.
The park opens at 10am and we want to be there by 9:45 so we can hit the best rides early.
We will provide lunch in the park at a predetermined location. It is come and go when the boys are hungry.
To minimize logistical headaches – We will keep all scout phones and personal belongings (wallet/cash/watches) in a Troop Backpack. No lockers will be necessary. An adult will stay at our table at all times.
We will leave Schlitterbahn at 6pm and drive to Hill Country River Retreat in San Marcos.
Everyone will participate in a gourmet troop dinner and we will retire several U.S. Flags.
May 19th
We will break camp and head out by 830a. Expected return time is 10:30-11a. Rendezvous location will be the Home Depot on I-10.
Cost:$45 Total per Person (same for adults & scouts)
Sign up on our registration page here
- Includes Park ticket, San Marcos Campsite fee, Saturday lunch & dinner
- Whataburger on the road is on your own
We need to get a head count so we can plan for a group ticket purchase. Hard deadline to sign up is Thursday, 5/16.
Drivers who transport additional scouts and/or troop gear will be reimbursed $35 for Gas. Indicate if you plan to attend/drive as an adult.