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November 10-12, 2017 - Enchanted Rock Climbing MB Campout

Writer: Troop 13Troop 13

Climbing Merit Badge Campout

We have an outfitter coming from Austin to teach the Climbing Merit Badge.

They will provide all the gear necessary to complete the merit badge and have a great time while learning to rock climb.

The cost will be $100 for those climbing or taking the merit badge and $20 for those just camping.

Those that already have their Climbing MB and adults are free to climb as well.

Directions to the campout below

Please ensure you bring:

  • Nalgene or Hydration pack

  • Sunblock

  • Personal Mess Kit

  • Scout Book, and advancement material


Website originally created by Tristan Houy, Star Scout, 2017 | Troop 13

Troop 13 is chartered with Second Baptist School in Houston, TX.

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